Archived Projects

Team Georgia Techtricity

Georgia Techtricity

How might we diversify our renewable energy sources to supplement Georgia Tech’s campus energy requirements?

Team GTransit


How might we improve the public’s perception of MARTA in the metro Atlanta area?

Team Heist


How might we increase the access of healthy and nutritious foods for people of communities stricken with food insecurity?

Team Immunity


How might we improve patient adherence to prescriptions filled by the Stamps Student Health Services at Georgia Tech?

Motus Poster


How might we equip students at Georgia Tech with a personalized and readily accessible way of confronting college related stress and anxiety issues?

Team NoMaDD


How might we diagnose malaria severity in the field with minimal expertise, improved accuracy and reduced cost?

Team NutriSynergy


How might we improve the distribution system of healthy food?

Team NutriView


How might we address students’ unhealthy eating habits at Georgia Tech dining halls?

The Muse Initiative

The Muse Initiative

How might we enhance goal-setting and problem solving skills in at-risk and economically disadvantaged inner-city students?​

Team Project Independence

Project Independence

How might we increase trust, sense of community, and/or empowerment for homeless people to decrease rates of homelessness?
