
By accepting the invitation to join Grand Challenges, you will be required to take two, 3-hour courses. You will take a Public Policy course in the Fall and a GT course in the Spring. These courses will be taken as part of your regular class load and both are required to participate in Grand Challenges and live in the residence hall. It is a full year (2 semester) commitment. Additionally, you are agreeing to live in either Howell or Cloudman Residence Hall for the Fall and Spring semesters and pay a $400 student activity fee each semester.

By accepting the Grand Challenges invitation, you are making a one year commitment with the option of participating in Grand Challenges as an upperclassmen. You are also agreeing to complete one service project outside of the Grand Challenges courses and to attend the Grand Challenges retreats typically held the first weekend after classes begin each semester.

You will also be gaining 220 instant friends and unparalleled support and guidance from the faculty and staff of the Grand Challenges program.

Summary of Requirements:
    •    Live in Howell or Cloudman Residence Hall Fall and Spring Semesters
    •    Two 3-Hour Courses (1 Fall and 1 Spring - held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am-10:45am or from 12:00pm-1:15pm)
    •    $400/Semester Fee
    •    Required Service Project
    •    Mandatory Retreats