Archived Projects

Team Mediculture


How might we combat stunted growth in Bolivian infants through sustainable and culturally integrative means?

Team Microscrub


How might we mitigate microbe transmission among individuals on university campuses, monitoring both human-sourced contact and user-object interfaces?



How might we develop affordable sensor technology to provide cities with a tool to manage the congestion that results from multimodal transportation on surface roads?



How might we fix the lack on information exchange surrounding water purification maintenance by establishing a communication pathway between Malawi’s ministry and the organizations working in the country?

The Prosthetics People

The Prosthetic People

How might we design and make available a prosthetic socket that adapts instantaneously to the residual limb?

Team Sol Power

Sol Power

How might we provide sustainable and cost-effective electricity to off grid homes in Tanzania using existing technologies for small daily devices?

Team RefuHeat


How might we provide an affordable, sustainable, and electrically efficient heating system for refugee shelters and tens during cold winter months?

Team Remember Me

Remember Me

How might we improve the quality of life for Alzheimer’s patients through low tech, easy-to-use, and affordable means in the Atlanta area?

Team ResponSense


How might we help EMS receive greater quantity and quality of real-time data on car crashes, with a system that is inexpensive and non-invasive of privacy?

Team T.R.U.E.


How might we increase collection of electronic waste in the Southeastern United States?
