Counseling Center
Open hours: 24-hour help line
Phone: 404.894.2575
Location: Student Services 238
The Counseling Center specializes in all types of counseling. And if you have an emergency need for counseling or help after hours, they have dispatchers that will have counselors call you, just call the number, and they should be able to provide you with a counselor after hours and even on the weekends when school is in session.
Counseling Center Groups
Open hours: 24-hour help line
Phone: 404.894.2575
Location: Student Services 238
The Counseling Center organizes groups for students who are dealing with women's issues. These groups include Body Image/Eating Concerns (a group for students who struggle with their relationship with food and with their body image), Connections (a group for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual persons that focuses on relationships), and Women's Group (a group which allows GT women to connect with others around personal and emotional issues in single gender environment).
For more information visit