Food Fighters

The Food Fighters have researched student food insecurity from early 2015 until 2017. In the Spring of 2016, they conducted a study that collected almost 800 complete student responses across campus to better understand students’ food situation and the role that a “reflection-module” (a set of six questions about food) could play in prompting those in-need to seek assistance. They submitted a White Paper to the Georgia Tech administration and are currently working on making our recommendations a reality on Georgia Tech’s campus.

The problem:
Based on the results of our online study:

  • 10% of Tech students self-identify as needing food assistance
  • 14% said that they relied on or sought out events with free food on campus.
  • 16% prioritize working at their job over academics and extracurriculars.

Currently, Georgia Tech offers resources to help those who might be in need, including Klemis Kitchen (an on-campus food pantry), Campus Closet (which lends professional clothing),  the Hip Pocket Fund (interest-free emergency loans), and temporary housing assistance. While this assistance is comprehensive, there still remains a gap between GT resources and students who need to use them.

Their approach:
Sparking Institutional Change

  • Conducted a campus-wide study in Spring 2016
  • Analyzed and shared results with key stakeholders
  • Developed white paper with background and recommendations

Contributing to the National Movement

  • Conducted a workshop on “Addressing College Food Insecurity” at the International Food Studies Conference in UC Berkeley
  • Connecting with other institutions and professional in the field to learn and discuss best practices


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Food Fighters Team