Mark Davenport is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I am a member of the Center for Machine Learning and the Center for Signal and Information Processing. My Erdős number is 3, but my Bacon number is 2, which gives me a very respectable Erdős-Bacon number of 5.
Research Interest(s): lie in the intersection of the fields of signal processing, statistics, and machine learning. I am interested in lots of different application areas, but I am also particularly interested in the role that mathematical models and optimization play in these fields.
Where do you like to spend time in Atlanta? These days I spend most of my time in Atlanta either at home in Decatur chasing after my two year old daughter, at Georgia Tech, or biking back and forth. If I'm not doing one of those things, chances are I'm probably eating somewhere on Buford Highway.
What piece of advice do you have for freshman Tech students? Go to your professor's office hours, even if you don't have any specific questions. Especially if there isn't a homework assignment coming up! You'll probably be the only one there, and it's a great opportunity to learn more about a subject from someone who decided to devote a huge part of their life to studying it
What is one thing most students don't know about you? I'm a fairly serious amateur baker. I have done multiple wedding cakes (including my own) and was given the opportunity to be on a baking-themed reality TV show my first year at Georgia Tech, but had to pass since it was being filmed right in the middle of the semester.