Abby has been working on the project that she started with her team as a first year in Grand Challenges for the past two years. She is working on developing a sustainable way to remove phosphates from water in order to stop algal blooms and other issues like red tide from occurring. She spends a lot of time in lab refining her solution and was able to go to a conference in Tampa to present her work last year.
About Abby
Abby is a third-year undergraduate student studying environmental engineering. She hopes to work in water resources and sustainability when she graduates. Originally from the Chicago-land area, Abby grew up sailing on lake Michigan and wants to protect those waters and others like them for everyone to enjoy. Besides sailing, Abby likes to spend her time outside doing other sports like scuba-diving, surfing, hiking, and skiing.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." -Doctor Seuss, The Lorax